Sanderson Forensics is Back!
The worlds most effective SQLite Database Forensics Software is back! Order Now
SQLite Forensic Tools That Make A Difference!
We all enjoy the many benefits of digital technology but increased accessibility and convenience have inevitably lead to misuse. At Sanderson Forensics we offer software that gives you the expertise to uncover and analyze computer evidence buried deep within electronic data.
We don’t just use the standard ‘off the shelf’ computer forensics packages, we also write our own bespoke computer forensics investigation software.
Time and again during computer forensic and mobile forensic investigations we have been faced with data from a software package for which there have been no “off the shelf” forensic tools to help us investigate. In these circumstances, we have been able to write our own software to decode proprietary data structures and present the recovered data in a form that is meaningful and helpful to a case.
Some of this software has been further enhanced and released as commercial forensic software with thousands of licences sold worldwide.
Please Note: The Sanderson Forensics suite of tools has been designed to retrieve and process small to medium datasets that are normally found on devices such as cellphones, computers, and other IoT devices, and are not intended for large-scale databases.
Forensic Toolkit for SQLite
The Forensic Toolkit for SQLite includes three comprehensive software applications:
- Forensic Browser for SQLite
- Forensic Recovery for SQLite
- SQLite Forensic Explorer
- Making recovering SQLite records from disk, image and database simpler and more intuitive. These tools are an invaluable addition to any investigators toolbox.

ESE Extension for the Forensic Toolkit
Along with SQLite, the Microsoft Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) is becoming increasingly common on Windows mobile phones and desktop operating systems. ESE, also known as Jetblue or EDB DBs, is the technology that underpins these databases such as Windows search and Cortana. Running the ESE Extension is simple and easy to use.

SkypeAlyzer Forensic Tool
Analyze Skype chat logs, contact lists, SMS messages with SkypeAlyzer a forensic tool designed to work with both the old Skype database files – found in a series of .dbb files and the newer Skype database files (main.db).

Community Resources
Sanderson Forensics provides the SQLite forensics community with a host of resources to help them in their database analysis and investigation. Scroll through our support articles, community forum threads, or join the Google Group to find the answers to commonly asked questions, help with troubleshooting, and much more.

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Google Group

SQLite Forensics
by Paul Sanderson

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